Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and buy Roujcoin now [ROU]
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Don't you use currency to buy stuff? I cannot imagine many people actually spending the things when you could just hodl and double your money (or not).

    Seems the start of something bigger if Elon is getting involved. The CNN clip mentions buying Teslas with Bitcoins.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Either that or he’ll end up dumping the lot, unused, in Thailand.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Just for the record, government control of money is a very good thing. It’s what (mostly) stops the value from fluctuating wildly from one day to the next, and ensures that your paycheque at the start of the month will still have roughly the same buying power at the end of the month rather than having the bottom fall out of it and leaving you suddenly destitute.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Don't you use currency to buy stuff? I cannot imagine many people actually spending the things when you could just hodl and double your money (or not).

    Seems the start of something bigger if Elon is getting involved. The CNN clip mentions buying Teslas with Bitcoins.

    But who is going to chuck 3 bitcoin at a Tesla today, when it might only cost you 2 tomorrow, or maybe 20,000 in a week? I see it's volatility as a big weakness.
  • A lot of banks did a big buy up of Bitcoin last year. This was a lot of the reason why the price rocketed.
    Yossarian wrote:
    Just for the record, government control of money is a very good thing. It’s what (mostly) stops the value from fluctuating wildly from one day to the next, and ensures that your paycheque at the start of the month will still have roughly the same buying power at the end of the month rather than having the bottom fall out of it and leaving you suddenly destitute.
    Yeah no ones getting paid in Bitcoin then having their wages fall by 50% by the time they’re back home. That’s a revolution recipe.

    The dollar, Euro, yuan and presumably sterling are all supposed to be going digital and I presume it’s this that will end up being the new normal. Bitcoin might retain some kind of international, world currency use but dunno. It’s always seemed like it doesn’t scale up very well but it’s still here, scaling up.
  • b0r1s
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    I don’t think it will replace currency. It will supplement real world commodities. There’s already talk of it being a replacement for gold.
  • Joking aside, isn’t it more a public currency not controlled by centralised banking cartels?

    You can't say joking aside and then use the phrase "centralised banking cartels" fyi.

    Since bitcoin straddles the same sort of roles as gold in that it is an accepted form of currency in some place as well as being a commodity in it's own right, it's value is controlled by the demand. Newsflash, if you are a banking cartel and you were so inclined to take the insane amount of risk, you could just buy loads of it and drive the demand up yourself before selling. Essentially what Elon is doing because he didn't have the balls to put his cash in meme currencies like Dogecoin the other week.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Yossarian wrote:
    Joking aside, isn’t it more a public currency not controlled by centralised banking cartels?

    A what now?

    JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, don’t those kind of big boy institutions have a hold on the money?

    Clearly not clued up as you guys, which is why there’s a question mark in my posts. x
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Nah, you’ll be wanting the Bank of England or Scotland or the US Treasury, they’re the ones who control the making of money.

    Those other banks have no greater control over cash as they would have over bitcoin were they to choose to get involved.
  • The only thing banks are allowed to do in terms of creating money is that they are allowed to essentially take money from the future that doesn't exist yet and give it to you in the present when you take out a loan as banks are not required to hold the complete value of a loan in reserve when they add the numbers to your account balance.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Yossarian wrote:
    Nah, you’ll be wanting the Bank of England or Scotland or the US Treasury, they’re the ones who control the making of money.

    Those other banks have no greater control over cash as they would have over bitcoin were they to choose to get involved.

    The production of money, but if I want to borrow or invest?

    Edit: Hello Rouj.

    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    If you’re borrowing then you’re at the mercy of the lender, whether that’s a bank lending you pounds or a libertarian dudebro with a neckbeard and a fedora lending you bitcoin.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    True dat.
    Just thought it would be interesting news to those who have already invested in Bitcoin. Party on dudes.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Gold as Rouj mentioned would definitely be the closest comparison for me.

    Both have a use beyond investment but the price and demand isn't dictated by the use.
    Both can be used as currency but rarely and to the discretion of the receiver.
    Both cross national lines and aren't tied to one government (although that is somewhat of a grey area with gold).
  • Is there a bigger assclown than Elon Musk.
  • Still, I guess laundering bitcoin wealth via Tesla car purchases and selling them on before they explode could be attractive to someone.
  • Brooks wrote:
    Is there a bigger assclown than Elon Musk.
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • LivDiv wrote:
    to the discretion of the receiver.

    Apparently here in Ireland, nobody is obliged to accept "legal tender" in the form of cash. Some businesses are refusing cash because of covid and there's nothing we can do about it, payments must be made by card.
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    It’s the same in the U.K, and probably most places in the world. Shops are within their rights to refuse any sale they want, as long as they aren’t doing so due to protected characteristics
  • Refusing a sale is one thing but a blanket ban on cash just seems to undermine the point of it.
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Your reason can be “I don’t want to take cash, but I will accept cards”.

    On the one hand, I can see the argument as far as protecting your staff goes, on the other, it does leave people a bit fucked if they don’t have a bank account.
  • I haven’t looked in this thread before, but it seems like the right place to talk about cryptoart and NFTs.

    Obvious bullshit first: The cryptoart scene is full of shysters and arseholes. It’s built on shaky foundations and I don’t like it one little bit. Obscene environmental impact thanks to the blockchain’s proof of work requirements, shitty quality of ‘art’, massive inequality/inaccessibility, questionable gatekeepers, old man shouts at cloud, etc.

    Something I saw this morning raised a question. A Twitter bot that’s out there minting NFTs on demand for tweets. The key part being for other people’s tweets. For content that doesn’t belong to the person registering proof of ownership.

    Which made me realise: Anybody can mint a token for any piece of digital content. Whether they own it or not. So this system of recording ownership and originality is fundamentally fucking broken, right? I could tokenise Yoss’s last post up there and sell ‘ownership’ of it to the highest bidder. Yoss can’t stop me.

    I must have missed something. What have I missed?
  • Blockchain. Crypto. Decentralised. Daddy Elon.
  • Fuck it, maybe I’ve had a million dollar idea there. Maybe I can go tokenise one of Elon Musk’s stupid tweets and auction it off at Christie’s.
  • poprock wrote:
    What have I missed?

    The part where these tokens don't have any use or value outside of bragging rights for techbros who want to own "the original" or "the one authenticated" piece of a particular digital artwork. Oh wow you own an original pepe? Amazing dude, that's rad, for some reason. 

    It's a dumpster fire system that doesn't mean anything. 

    Once the environmental stats came out on how much energy mining the NFTS and then running the blockchain ledgers consumes, it was curtains and everyone apart from total bastards or teenagers with no world view still hanging on.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Roujin wrote:
    poprock wrote:
    What have I missed?
    The part where these tokens don't have any use or value outside of bragging rights for techbros who want to own "the original" or "the one authenticated" piece of a particular digital artwork. Oh wow you own an original pepe? Amazing dude, that's rad, for some reason.  It's a dumpster fire system that doesn't mean anything.  Once the environmental stats came out on how much energy mining the NFTS and then running the blockchain ledgers consumes, it was curtains and everyone apart from total bastards or teenagers with no world view still hanging on.

    I may have this wrong, but I couldnt really understand why someone would want to buy the "original" tweet. And yet, I have an early pressing of Master of Puppets Vinyl signed by Members of Metallica (Kirk & James fwiw) which apparently has decent value. Its not really that different is it? If you are of a digital generation it probably makes more sense.
    SFV - reddave360
  • The environmental stats have been publicly showed and shamed for quite a while now.

    And the problem comes when the establishment starts to accept this dumpster fire system as valid, because reversing that position is hard. Hold on, that happened already as well. Christie’s sold Beeple’s work for $6.6m just the other week.
  • Stupid people will always find ways to waste money.
  • Shady people will always find ways to launder money in plain sight.

  • In terms of value they are worth what someone will pay for it.
    That is generally dictated by the name attached to it over quality or time and resource spent.
    In that regard it really is not that different to the real art world.
    Similar for the walled off community of selected sellers. Sure you can try and sell anything you paint but in reality you need to be selected by the art world to make the bug bucks.

    The environment side of things is fucked up but dwarfed by crypto surely, which is just as vague in value being worth nothing or everything depending on what people will pay.

    I cant say I'm into cryptoart but its problems are shared ones.

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