The British Politics Thread
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  • We should probably have one.

    Tomorrow's Daily Mail: "Red Ed on the ropes! Labour suffer 'crushing defeat' as SOCIALIST agenda is exposed". It will be accompanied by a picture of Ed sipping from his water while looking startled.
  • Good thread shout.

    Ed absolutely owned tonight's thing that wasn't a debate by many factors.
    shame the papers won't see it that way.
  • Seems the public didn't see it that way either. I wonder how much influence the hostile studio audience has on the typical viewer idiot.
  • We should probably have one. Tomorrow's Daily Mail: "Red Ed on the ropes! Labour suffer 'crushing defeat' as SOCIALIST agenda is exposed". It will be accompanied by a picture of Ed sipping from his water while looking startled.

    I quite like that about Ed. Like, he could have paid someone mega bucks to 'transform his image' and I'm sure he has done to some extent, but he's just like "Mate my face has no effect on the job so stfu"
  • Despite getting an ludicrously easy ride Cameron came across really poorly. But then I hate the spoon-faced prick, so I guess I'm biased.

    I expected Paxman to be holding aloft Miliband's still beating-heart by the end of the interview but he did okay, despite some pretty despicable questions - "people see you as just a North London geek", "people say they wish your brother was in charge instead of you".

    That audience was clearly rigged too.

    Just calling elections whenever you fancy them was better than this new system, another six weeks of this will be beyond tiresome. It seems the media and 'the Establishment' are basically right-wing in this country so any vaguely left-leaning Labour politician has to fight tooth-and-nail to overcome that inherent bias. It's not like Miliband is Arthur Scargill either.
  • I hate HATE the concept of protest vote. I think it is anti-democratic and is the reason I was going Green (well not the reason but the reason I would vote for an outsider that I believe in).

    After tonight I have realised how much we need a non-con government and actually been convinced. a bit by Ed.

    Will watch the proper debate.
  • It's going to be a Tory government, isn't it? 

    On the plus side, at least we might hasten pace toward the massive civil uprising we probably need.
  • It's going to be a Tory government, isn't it?

    Shit don't even joke.
  • It's going to be a Tory government, isn't it?  On the plus side, at least we might hasten pace toward the massive civil uprising we probably need.
    If posting pics of tampons on instagram is the current metric for civil unrest, then I doubt the tories are quaking in their boots just yet.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I appear to have been shunted from the initial ward that I was down for, the town centre, to one about 4 miles outside of Preston, which isn't even one of the ones I ever discussed. I don't know if I can even get to them to to get the signatures I need to stand in the first place, since I don't drive. Which means I may have to withdraw.
  • Problem over. Literally as I was composing a reply, I've had an email to say that he made a mistake and it is town centre, not the arse end of nowhere. Phew.
  • Didn't watch the tv thing. Voting Green.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Didn't watch it either. Twitter watched it for me, I read the forum analysis and I've seen the ICM data.

    Not arsed. Happy for Ed.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • In the end they went with "Are you OK Ed? Are you alright?' Paxman's words of comfort after mauling Miliband who is branded a 'geek' who knifed his brother in the back - as poll says Cameron wins first TV contest... but only just"
  • I will eat my Wii if we end up with a Labour "government".
  • Lord_Griff wrote:
    I will drink my Wii if we end up with a Labour "government".

  • On behalf of Australians I would like to apologise for Rupert Murdoch existing and infesting UK media.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • regmcfly
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    I'm actually a card carrying Green Party member so my contributions to this thread are null and void.
  • There are a lot of Greens around these parts.
  • Greens have got a lot of radical, socialist ideas that I agree with - renationalising the railways, scrapping tuition fees, mass house building. There's little to indicate they've got detailed plans for how these policies can be implemented but at least they're saying these things. At least they're happy to publicly state things that Labour are too terrified to do.

    The crazy thing is that there's people out there that moan about Labour abandoning them, that they no longer have a socialist agenda, then those same people, instead of voting Green, go out and vote for UKIP.
  • monkey wrote:
    Greens have got a lot of radical, socialist ideas that I agree with - renationalising the railways, scrapping tuition fees, mass house building. There's little to indicate they've got detailed plans for how these policies can be implemented but at least they're saying these things.

    Aside from the policy website that details how it will be implemented you mean?
  • Dante such a fanboi
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • The greens have no hope of winning though, so all their good intentions are worth next-to-nothing, sadly.

    I'd like to see them do well but they won't do well enough to make much of a difference. IMO, of course.
  • monkey wrote:
    Greens have got a lot of radical, socialist ideas that I agree with - renationalising the railways, scrapping tuition fees, mass house building. There's little to indicate they've got detailed plans for how these policies can be implemented but at least they're saying these things.

    Aside from the policy website that details how it will be implemented you mean?
    Have you got a link?
  • LarryDavid wrote:
    The greens have no hope of winning though, so all their good intentions are worth next-to-nothing, sadly.

    I'd like to see them do well but they won't do well enough to make much of a difference. IMO, of course.

    No one seems likely to win though. The Greens if they keep their (or is it just 'our' at this point?) seat they will bloc together with the SNP and Plaid. Might even win another.

    If you dont vote for what you want, you'll never get it. I'm not looking at this election. I'm looking long term at fundamental reform of the system.
  • Monkey, yes, but not when I'm in the pub. Advance warning though, it's not that user friendly.
  • Actually I'll take your word for it. The prospect of sifting through an obscure index of Green Party policy commitments doesn't appeal.
  • I'll see if I can lift the ones you mentioned.

    There are some Erm, interesting ones in there though.
  • It will be a Tory victory, subdued by some stereotypical leftist element yet again.
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