The AI generator museum of uncanny amusement
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  • NMvonkF.png
    "The interior of a large museum dedicated to AI generated images and media, many large pieces of artwork are displayed on the walls." -, Stable Diffusion v1.5, 2022.

    A containment thread and index for all the terrifying shit that's coming out of the many AI generator tools out there right now. I'll keep updating this OP with links to the various sites and services out there so check back occasionally, and I'll maybe a short summary and example for each one. If you find some share them here, it would help.

    Most of these have some kind of free mode, often with limited uses per month and then a monthly fee for more uses. Because it takes like a fat server farm of GPUs to process and crank this stuff out.

    Text to image generators: - Stable Diffusion v1.5 / v2.1
    Some tips for people on Mage. You get 77 'tokens' per use. It ignores anything after that. You can check how many tokens you're using with this:
    A helpful rule of thumb is that one token generally corresponds to ~4 characters of text for common English text. This translates to roughly ¾ of a word (so 100 tokens ~= 75 words).
    Punctuation uses a token, and is often unnecessary. You can use negative prompts to tell it what you don't want. I generally use the below:
    Low quality, ugly, mutated, mutilated, unrealistic, duplicate, multiple limbs, crossed arms, text, cutoff, no face, deformed
    Full sentences are not needed, and can sometimes confuse the ai as to what you want. Things are weighted towards the start of your prompt, so if something isn't appearing or is not as prominent as you are going for, try re-ordering your prompt. The AI was trained on square images. I'd generally avoid using cinema or phone. If you want a rectangular image, landscape and tablet will generally work better. You can use the same prompt to get different images, as long as you aren't typing in a specific seed. If you want to tweak an image, you can type in the seed of the first one, then change your prompt. This can keep a consistent style, and result in much smaller changes than simply searching the same prompt again.

    Text generators:

    Music Generators:
  • I'll fuck around the formatting every so often as I go.

    Is that one the ones you guys were using for the images in the robot thread? That's what came up when I searched Mage image generator.

    Oh no it was this one -

    If you have extra info about these like what particular AI algo tech they are using let me know and I can categorise them that way too. Dunno why I'm doing this actually because there's probably a great reddit post or wiki page that's done this already.
  • A Scottish cameraman goes to the World Cup and falls in love with a Qatari double agent. But she's not his type, so he makes plans for revenge.
    The world is full of people who like football. Not me. I just don't get it. What you need to understand about me is that I come from Scotland. We have other things we're famous for: golf, bad teeth and whiskey. Our soccer team never made much of an impression on the world stage until they hired Bobby Clarke as coach. He turned them into winners.
  • "Man is sitting at a computer attempting to compose and format a thread about AI generated media."

  • "Tony Soprano is disappointed that his birthday cake contains nuts"
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • A lot of these things are pretty ephemeral, because they're so expensive to run and new AIs keep coming out they often get shut down after a little while. I was trying to find Pix2Pix which generated a weird fleshy abomination based on your line drawing and it seems to be shut down now, though the code is still out there like with most of these.
  • Keir Starmer making friends with a pig
  • Take a guess at the prompt (it's the title of a TV show) -

  • GooberTheHat
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    Gordon Ramsey calling an avocado a donkey.
  • Heh, that one was actually quite literal. Something like "a donkey is working as a chef in a restaurant, Gordon Ramsay is shouting at the poor creature".
  • I'm trying really hard to get this fuck to punch himself in the face -


    The AI seems to have no problem replicating his ghoulish visage though.
  • GooberTheHat
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    This was supposed to be Baldrick kicking Blackadder in the dick, as an oil painting btw.
  • 956ac858b1d14759a76fead63370a4db.png
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Rishi Sunak upset at the channel
  • Rishi Sunak upset at the channel

    Close in that it's Rishi upset.
    The actual prompt was "Rishi Sunak is sad because he is too short to go on the rollercoasters at Thorpe Park"
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • @gurt 9/11 was an inside job?

    Some tips for people on Mage. You get 77 'tokens' per use. It ignores anything after that. You can check how many tokens you're using with this:
    A helpful rule of thumb is that one token generally corresponds to ~4 characters of text for common English text. This translates to roughly ¾ of a word (so 100 tokens ~= 75 words).
    Punctuation uses a token, and is often unnecessary.

    You can use negative prompts to tell it what you don't want. I generally use the below:
    Low quality, ugly, mutated, mutilated, unrealistic, duplicate, multiple limbs, crossed arms, text, cutoff, no face, deformed
    Full sentences are not needed, and can sometimes confuse the ai as to what you want. Things are weighted towards the start of your prompt, so if something isn't appearing or is not as prominent as you are going for, try re-ordering your prompt.

    The AI was trained on square images. I'd generally avoid using cinema or phone. If you want a rectangular image, landscape and tablet will generally work better.

    You can use the same prompt to get different images, as long as you aren't typing in a specific seed. If you want to tweak an image, you can type in the seed of the first one, then change your prompt. This can keep a consistent style, and result in much smaller changes than simply searching the same prompt again.
  • No they're just revelling in the destruction they wrought.
  • I started trying to make some shitty Trump trading cards then ended up having way too much fun putting him behind bars -







  • Ace Rimmer surfing through the sky on the back of a crocodile


    No wait, that's actually from the show.
  • Kow prepares to eat really old yoghurt.
  • Kow
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    Looks like that old Gary Larson joke.
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